Logos RefTagger
Loving Life. Laughing Lots. Learning Always. Join me in the adventure of life as I seek to share the funny stories, the thoughtful ideas, and the passionate convictions of 'My Real Life.'

Friday, December 24, 2010

When "What's Best" is Bad

WOLBI Students are going to be able to tell where I am in my OT reading by this (and you should be much farther!) but Isaiah 30 impacted my life today.

Isa. 30:1-2 paints a picture of God's people, Israel, as absolutely rebellious and in an out-of-control, downward moral spiral multiplying sin upon sin. Pretty ugly, huh?! What was so bad to call for such a scathing accusation? They took counsel (mentioned again in vv. 9-11) and sought help from others (Egypt in this case), not God.

Throughout Scripture we are giving many examples of this same accusation. Abraham despite God's powerful promise (Gen. 12, 17, 22) tried repeatedly to intervene and 'help' God (offering Eleazer and Ishmael as his heir and fulfillment of God's promise!). Moses struck a rock the second time and it cost him the promised land, Uzziah lost his life as the wrong man carrying God's Ark in the wrong way, and Elimelech pays with his life for trusting Moab rather than God's 'house of bread'-Bethlehem in time of famine.

Jeremiah 17:5 says, "Thus saith the Lord; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the Lord."

How common is it for us to do the same? We say, "I know God's Word says...but I  really 'feel' that this is what God wants me to do." Or, "But everyone I talked to has told me that I should do this." How often do we run to others to bail us out of physical, emotional, financial, or social trouble instead of the God of the universe?

The alternative is given to us in verse 15 of Isaiah chapter 30 - returning to and resting in God. Doesn't John 15:5 say the same, "...without me (Jesus) ye can do nothing."

What are you trusting in today? On what are you basing life decisions? Only God and His Word provides the reliable, secure, and blessed resources for life on Earth.

Let's run to God to do things His way, in His time, by His counsel as we seek His counsel in His Word.
"Blessed is the man that trusteth in the Lord, and whose hope the Lord is." Jer. 17:7


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